Our Story

Discover the Tovie [too-vee] journey, sparked by a summer of serendipity in 2022. Picture this: Gia Cross, our founder, well, found herself amidst beach and backyard celebrations while expecting. A lover of fine cocktails, she craved a delightful, sophisticated beverage that was free from artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup – and, of course, one that actually tasted amazing. But it was nowhere to be found. Grocery stores, sporting events, concerts, festivals, restaurants, hotels... Gia scoured them all, only to encounter sugary sodas, flavorless seltzers, and "healthy" drinks packed with fake sugars. Yet, she refused to settle. Instead, Gia and her husband, Andrew, embarked on a summer-long quest to craft this elusive drink. Their kitchen transformed into a spirited laboratory, where recipes were meticulously tested, refined, and tested again, until the ultimate concoction emerged. Behold, the birth of Tovie – a testament to passion, perseverance, and the pursuit of pure pleasure.